The Citizens Foundation TCF Jobs 2024

The Citizens Foundation TCF Jobs 2024

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School fleet management Sindh, Community engagement education Gambat, Parent-student meetings Sindh, Donor relations education Pakistan, School improvement plans Gambat, Regional education development Sindh, Principal recruitment Sindh, Teacher quality improvement Gambat, Classroom observation Sindh, Teacher feedback Sindh, Student-teacher ratios Sindh, School financial management Gambat, Education leadership career Pakistan, School administration job Sindh, Education management position Gambat, School operational logistics Sindh, Educational community resources Gambat

Academic performance improvement Sindh, School leadership training Pakistan, Principal performance appraisals Sindh, Teacher promotion approvals Gambat, Classroom management Sindh, School improvement strategies Gambat, Area education leadership Pakistan, Principal support programs Sindh, Teacher professional development Gambat, School academic excellence Sindh, Education administration Gambat, Principal quality assessment Sindh, Teacher recruitment strategies Gambat, Educational operational efficiency Sindh, School quality monitoring Gambat, Principal leadership skills Sindh, School action plans Gambat, Regional education strategies Sindh,

School academic data Gambat, Education operational management Pakistan, School parent engagement Sindh, Principal performance improvement Sindh, Teacher development programs Gambat, Education career opportunities Sindh, School community liaison Gambat, Principal training programs Sindh, Teacher classroom observations Gambat, School leadership development Sindh, Education administration roles Pakistan, School quality improvement Sindh

Area Education Manager – Gambat

Published: June 24, 2024
Category: Area Jobs
Job Type: Permanent
Departments: Central Office
Gender: Female
Age: 25-45
Expected Travel: Frequent
Field of Interest: Academics
Location: Gambat
Country: Pakistan
State: Sindh


Overall Area Leadership

The Area Education Manager (AEM) for Gambat will bear the mantle of the entire academic leadership and oversight of multiple schools within the assigned area. This role demands a robust commitment to educational excellence and requires an individual capable of ensuring that academic standards are not only met but exceeded.

The AEM will be directly accountable for the performance and development of a cadre of school principals, necessitating a hands-on approach to leadership that fosters a culture of continuous improvement. This position will involve the meticulous management of Student-Teacher Ratios (STR), enhancement of fee collection processes, and the effective management of daily operational logistics including fleet management. Furthermore, the AEM will supervise the Area Administrator, ensuring that administrative duties are carried out efficiently and that academic data is meticulously analyzed, verified, and preserved for continual assessment and improvement.

Relationship Management

The AEM must cultivate and maintain robust communication channels with community members, leveraging community resources to support school initiatives wherever possible. A proactive approach is essential, encouraging school principals to maintain strong lines of communication with parents and participating in parent-student meetings to foster an inclusive educational environment. Moreover, the AEM will liaise with donors regarding educational activities, ensuring that donor-related initiatives are aligned with the schools’ goals and are effectively integrated. Collaboration with other AEMs is also a key responsibility, promoting a strong, cooperative working environment where best practices and feedback are shared to support the development of the entire region.

Quality of Principals

Improving the quality of school principals is a critical focus for the AEM. This involves recruiting quality local principals in collaboration with the Regional Human Resources (RHR) Manager, including active participation in assessment centers. The AEM will ensure principals fully engage in Principal Quality Improvement (PQI) visits and that they receive regular, constructive academic feedback, both informally and through formal appraisals. The goal is continuous improvement, with the AEM providing support through Performance Improvement Plans (PIPs) when necessary.

Quality of Teachers

The AEM is tasked with enhancing the quality of the teaching staff through both content mastery and pedagogical excellence. Working closely with school principals, the AEM will focus on recruiting high-quality local teachers, particularly in challenging locations. This role includes approving teacher transfers and promotions based on performance and potential. Classroom observations are a vital component of this responsibility, with the AEM conducting at least one observation per visit to ensure consistent, actionable feedback is provided to teachers.

Quality of Schools

For schools struggling to meet academic and operational benchmarks, the AEM will develop and implement clear action plans aimed at driving improvement. These strategies will be closely monitored and adjusted as needed to ensure they are effectively fostering school and area-wide development. The AEM will be instrumental in crafting and executing area improvement plans (AIPs) that are integrally linked to the broader objectives of whole school and area improvement initiatives.


  • Exceptional communication, negotiation, persuasion, and interpersonal skills
  • Strong command of both English and Urdu
  • Proficiency in using computers, including MS Office and internet applications
  • Ability to multi-task and meet stringent deadlines
  • Strong analytical skills


  • Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Education from a reputable institution


  • A minimum of three years of experience as a principal

Overall Area Leadership

An Area Education Manager (AEM) in Gambat must be a visionary leader, committed to driving academic excellence and operational efficiency across multiple schools. The role requires comprehensive oversight, from managing the student-teacher ratios (STR) to ensuring consistent fee collection and overseeing daily fleet management. The AEM will play a pivotal role in mentoring and supporting a group of school principals, fostering a collaborative environment that encourages continuous professional development.

Strategic Leadership and Vision

At the core of the AEM’s responsibilities is the strategic leadership of the academic cohort. This entails setting high standards and clear objectives for principals and ensuring that these are met through rigorous monitoring and support. The AEM must develop a deep understanding of each school’s unique challenges and strengths, tailoring support and interventions to meet specific needs. This personalized approach is essential for driving improvement and achieving the overarching goal of educational excellence across the area.

Operational Oversight and Efficiency

Managing the day-to-day operations of schools requires a keen eye for detail and a proactive approach. The AEM will oversee the Area Administrator, ensuring that all administrative tasks are performed efficiently and that academic data is accurately managed. This includes analysis, verification, and preservation of data, which are crucial for informed decision-making and strategic planning. The AEM must ensure that all operational processes are streamlined and that any issues are promptly addressed to minimize disruption to the educational environment.

Enhancing Student-Teacher Ratios

A critical aspect of the AEM’s role is to manage and improve student-teacher ratios (STR). This involves not only recruiting and retaining high-quality teachers but also ensuring that class sizes are optimized for effective learning. The AEM must work closely with principals to monitor and adjust STRs, implementing strategies to address imbalances and ensure that all students receive the attention and support they need to thrive academically.

Fee Collection and Financial Management

Effective financial management is another key responsibility. The AEM must develop and implement strategies to enhance fee collection processes, ensuring that schools have the necessary resources to operate efficiently. This involves working with principals to identify and address barriers to fee collection and implementing best practices to improve financial stability across the area.

Fleet Management and Logistics

Managing the logistical aspects of school operations, including fleet management, is essential for ensuring that students and staff can travel safely and efficiently. The AEM must oversee the maintenance and scheduling of school transportation, ensuring that all vehicles are in good working condition and that routes are optimized for efficiency and safety. This role requires a proactive approach to problem-solving and a commitment to maintaining high standards of operational excellence.

Relationship Management

Building and maintaining strong relationships with community members, parents, donors, and other stakeholders is crucial for the success of the AEM. Effective communication and collaboration are key to fostering a supportive and engaged community that contributes to the educational environment.

Community Engagement and Resource Utilization

The AEM must actively engage with the community, leveraging local resources to support school initiatives and enhance the educational experience for students. This involves building strong relationships with community members, understanding their needs and concerns, and working collaboratively to address them. The AEM must encourage principals to maintain open lines of communication with parents, fostering a culture of transparency and mutual support.

Parent-Student Interaction

Regular interaction with parents is essential for building trust and ensuring that students receive the support they need at home. The AEM should encourage principals to hold regular parent-student meetings, providing opportunities for parents to engage with teachers and understand their child’s progress. The AEM should also attend these meetings occasionally, demonstrating a commitment to building strong relationships and addressing any concerns that may arise.

Donor Relations

Maintaining strong relationships with donors is crucial for securing funding and support for educational initiatives. The AEM must liaise with donors regarding educational activities, ensuring that their contributions are effectively integrated into the schools’ programs. This involves regular communication, providing updates on progress, and highlighting the impact of donor contributions. By building strong, positive relationships with donors, the AEM can help secure ongoing support and resources for the schools.

Collaboration with Other AEMs

Collaboration with other AEMs is essential for fostering a strong, cohesive approach to regional development. The AEM must actively seek feedback and share best practices with colleagues, promoting a culture of continuous improvement and mutual support. This collaborative approach ensures that all AEMs are working towards common goals and can learn from each other’s experiences and successes.

Quality of Principals

The AEM plays a crucial role in ensuring that school principals are effective leaders who can drive improvement and foster a positive educational environment.

Recruitment and Assessment

Recruiting high-quality principals is a key responsibility for the AEM. This involves working with the Regional Human Resources (RHR) Manager to identify and recruit local talent, participating in assessment centers to evaluate candidates, and ensuring that only the best candidates are selected. The AEM must also ensure that new principals receive the necessary training and support to succeed in their roles.

Principal Quality Improvement

Ensuring that principals engage in Principal Quality Improvement (PQI) visits is essential for their professional development. The AEM must monitor these visits, providing regular academic feedback and conducting formal appraisals to assess performance. This continuous feedback loop helps principals identify areas for improvement and develop the skills they need to be effective leaders.

Performance Improvement Plans

For principals who are struggling, the AEM must develop and implement Performance Improvement Plans (PIPs). These plans provide targeted support and resources to help principals address their challenges and improve their performance. The AEM must monitor progress closely, providing ongoing feedback and adjusting the plan as needed to ensure that the principal is making the necessary improvements.

Quality of Teachers

Enhancing the quality of teaching staff is essential for improving student outcomes and creating a positive educational environment.

Teacher Recruitment and Outreach

The AEM must work closely with school principals to recruit high-quality local teachers, particularly in challenging locations. This involves identifying and addressing barriers to recruitment, developing strategies to attract and retain talented teachers, and ensuring that all teachers meet the necessary qualifications and standards.

Teacher Transfers and Promotions

Approving teacher transfers and promotions is a key responsibility for the AEM. This involves evaluating performance and potential, ensuring that decisions are based on merit and aligned with the school’s goals. The AEM must also monitor the impact of transfers and promotions on the overall quality of teaching staff, making adjustments as needed to ensure that all schools have the resources they need to succeed.

Classroom Observations and Feedback

Regular classroom observations are essential for providing teachers with the feedback they need to improve their practice. The AEM must conduct at least one classroom observation per visit, providing constructive, actionable feedback to teachers. This ongoing support helps teachers develop their skills and ensures that they are providing high-quality instruction to students.

Quality of Schools

The AEM is responsible for ensuring that all schools in the area meet high standards of academic and operational excellence.

Action Plans for Struggling Schools

For schools that are struggling, the AEM must develop and implement clear action plans aimed at driving improvement. These plans should be based on a thorough assessment of the school’s challenges and strengths, and should include specific, measurable objectives and timelines. The AEM must monitor progress closely, providing ongoing support and making adjustments as needed to ensure that the school is on track to meet its goals.

Area Improvement Plans

Developing and executing area improvement plans (AIPs) is essential for driving regional development. These plans should be aligned with the broader goals of whole school and area improvement initiatives, and should include strategies for addressing common challenges and leveraging opportunities for growth. The AEM must work closely with school principals and other stakeholders to develop and implement these plans, monitoring progress and making adjustments as needed to ensure that the area is on track to achieve its objectives.

Continuous Improvement and Monitoring

The AEM must take a proactive approach to continuous improvement, regularly assessing the performance of schools and identifying areas for growth. This involves monitoring academic data, conducting regular visits, and providing ongoing feedback and support to principals and teachers. By fostering a culture of continuous improvement, the AEM can ensure that all schools in the area are providing high-quality education to their students.

Building a Culture of Excellence

Creating a culture of excellence requires a commitment to high standards, continuous improvement, and collaboration. The AEM must set clear expectations for principals and teachers, providing the support and resources they need to meet these expectations. This involves fostering a positive, inclusive educational environment where all students can thrive and succeed.

Encouraging Innovation and Best Practices

Innovation and best practices are key to driving improvement and achieving educational excellence. The AEM must encourage principals and teachers to experiment with new approaches, share their successes and challenges, and learn from each other. By promoting a culture of innovation and collaboration, the AEM can help schools stay ahead of the curve and continuously improve their practice.

Supporting Professional Development

Professional development is essential for helping principals and teachers develop their skills and improve their practice. The AEM must provide opportunities for ongoing training and support, ensuring that all staff have access to the resources they need to succeed. This involves identifying professional development needs, coordinating training sessions, and providing ongoing feedback and support.

Engaging with Parents and the Community

Parental and community engagement is crucial for building a supportive and inclusive educational environment. The AEM must encourage principals to maintain open lines of communication with parents, providing opportunities for them to engage with the school and support their child’s education. This involves holding regular parent-student meetings, providing updates on progress, and addressing any concerns that may arise.

Leveraging Community Resources

Community resources can play a vital role in supporting school initiatives and enhancing the educational experience for students. The AEM must actively engage with the community, building strong relationships and leveraging local resources to support school programs. This involves understanding the needs and concerns of the community, working collaboratively to address them, and promoting a culture of mutual support.

Fostering a Positive Educational Environment

Creating a positive educational environment requires a commitment to inclusivity, respect, and collaboration. The AEM must set high standards for behavior and conduct, fostering a culture where all students feel valued and supported. This involves promoting positive relationships between students, teachers, and parents, and addressing any issues or concerns promptly and effectively.

Ensuring Equity and Access

Equity and access are fundamental principles of a high-quality education system. The AEM must ensure that all students have access to the resources and support they need to succeed, regardless of their background or circumstances. This involves identifying and addressing barriers to learning, providing targeted support to disadvantaged students, and promoting a culture of inclusivity and respect.

Promoting Student Achievement

Student achievement is the ultimate goal of any educational initiative. The AEM must set high expectations for student performance, providing the support and resources necessary to help students achieve their full potential. This involves monitoring academic progress, identifying areas for improvement, and providing targeted interventions to support student learning.

Celebrating Success

Celebrating success is essential for building a positive, motivating educational environment. The AEM must recognize and reward the achievements of students, teachers, and principals, promoting a culture of excellence and continuous improvement. This involves highlighting successes, sharing best practices, and encouraging others to strive for similar achievements.


What is the role of an Area Education Manager in Gambat?

An Area Education Manager (AEM) in Gambat is responsible for the academic leadership and management of multiple schools, overseeing principals, teachers, and operational logistics to ensure high standards of education.

How does the AEM improve the quality of principals?

The AEM improves the quality of principals through recruitment, training, Principal Quality Improvement (PQI) visits, regular feedback, formal appraisals, and Performance Improvement Plans (PIPs) when necessary.

What are the responsibilities of the AEM regarding teacher quality?

The AEM is responsible for recruiting high-quality teachers, approving transfers and promotions, conducting regular classroom observations, and providing consistent feedback to improve teaching quality.

How does the AEM engage with the community and parents?

The AEM engages with the community and parents by maintaining open communication, attending parent-student meetings, leveraging community resources, and promoting a collaborative and supportive educational environment.

What strategies does the AEM use to improve struggling schools?

The AEM develops and implements action plans for struggling schools, monitors progress, provides targeted support, and adjusts strategies as needed to ensure continuous improvement and academic success.

How does the AEM ensure equity and access in education?

The AEM ensures equity and access by identifying and addressing barriers to learning, providing targeted support to disadvantaged students, and promoting a culture of inclusivity and respect.


The role of an Area Education Manager in Gambat is multifaceted and demands a high level of commitment to educational excellence and operational efficiency. By fostering strong relationships, promoting continuous improvement, and ensuring high standards for principals, teachers, and schools, the AEM plays a crucial role in driving the success of the educational system. With a focus on equity, community engagement, and student achievement, the AEM helps create a positive, inclusive educational environment where all students can thrive.

Primary School Principal – Malir

Published: June 24, 2024
Category: School Jobs
Job Type: Permanent
Departments: South Office
Gender: Female
Age: 26+ years
Expected Travel: For meetings, trainings, and other requirements
Field of Interest: Academics
Location: Karachi
Country: Pakistan


Key Responsibilities

The following key result areas are essential components of your role as Primary School Principal in Malir:

Academic Leadership and Quality Assurance

Promote high standards of evidence-based learning and teaching by closely monitoring school progress across key performance indicators. Ensure the continuous improvement of the school and every student, with a commitment to leaving no child behind. This involves recruiting, developing, empowering, supporting, encouraging, and retaining the best teachers in the school.

Fostering a Collaborative School Culture

Cultivate a culture of mutual and continuous learning, respect, collaboration, and coordination within the school community. Ensure that every member of the school community—teachers, students, staff members, and parents—is valued. Motivate every child to learn, grow, and prosper, and encourage every teacher to enhance their knowledge and skills.

Academic Responsibilities

  • Teacher Recruitment and Development: Recruit quality teachers by implementing an effective Teacher Selection process. Provide ongoing development opportunities, including demo sessions and constant feedback.
  • School Improvement Plan: Develop and implement a school improvement plan based on thorough need analysis.
  • Classroom Quality Monitoring: Oversee lesson planning and conduct both formal and informal classroom observations to maintain high teaching standards.
  • Student Performance Monitoring: Regularly review student work and test papers to ensure policy compliance and high academic standards.
  • Co-curricular Management: Organize and manage co-curricular activities, timetable, assemblies, periods, displays, library, laboratories, and the use of academic resources. Focus on the performance of weaker students.
  • Training and Development: Attend training sessions and conduct on-the-job training for faculty within the school.
  • Assessment Management: Ensure that term tests and examinations are conducted transparently and on schedule.
  • Teacher Retention: Build team spirit, motivate teachers, and focus on teacher retention.

Administrative Responsibilities

  • Community Engagement: Develop strong relationships with the community, create awareness about the importance of education for both male and female children, and encourage community members to enroll their children in TCF schools.
  • Enrollment Strategies: Ensure the school maintains the required student strength through effective enrollment strategies.
  • Teacher Outreach: Carry out effective teacher outreach and maintain a current CV bank for potential hires.
  • HR Coordination: Coordinate with Area and Regional HR teams for staff hiring, retention, performance management, and other HR-related matters.
  • Discipline and Character Building: Maintain school discipline and encourage positive character development among students and staff.
  • Staff Management: Oversee staff attendance and leave, ensuring minimal disruption to classroom activities.
  • Administrative Supervision: Supervise the administrative assistant in handling accounts and other administrative matters.
  • Financial Management: Maintain accurate school accounts and ensure they are up-to-date and well-documented.
  • Facility Maintenance: Ensure the school building and premises are well-maintained.
  • Utility Management: Ensure timely supply and management of utility services.
  • Policy Implementation: Understand and implement TCF policies effectively within the school.
  • Reporting: Ensure timely submission of reports and other required documents.


  • Demonstrated achievement and leadership skills in academic, co-curricular, volunteer, or professional activities.
  • Ability to persevere in the face of obstacles, motivate oneself and others, communicate effectively, build meaningful relationships, and take ownership of personal and collective growth.
  • Passion to serve as a positive change agent.


  • At least a Graduate (B.A., B.Com, BPA, BSc., BCS).
  • Professional qualifications such as B.Ed and M.Ed are preferred.


  • At least 2 years of teaching experience.
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The Citizens Foundation Tcf Jobs 2024, Tcf Teaching Jobs, Tcf Jobs Salary, Tcf School Jobs 2024, Tcf School Teacher Salary, Tcf Jobs Karachi, Tcf School Jobs Near Korangi, Karachi, Tcf School Jobs In Karachi 2024, Tcf School Near Me,

More Information

Area Education Manager Gambat, Education Manager job in Sindh, Academic leadership Sindh, School principal management Gambat, Academic leadership jobs Pakistan, Education management career Sindh, Gambat school administration, Principal quality improvement Sindh, Teacher recruitment Gambat, School operations management Sindh, Academic data management Pakistan, Fee collection enhancement Sindh, Educational leadership Gambat, School fleet management Sindh, Community engagement education Gambat, Parent-student meetings Sindh, Donor relations education Pakistan, School improvement plans Gambat, Regional education development Sindh, Principal recruitment Sindh,
Teacher quality improvement Gambat, Classroom observation Sindh, Teacher feedback Sindh, Student-teacher ratios Sindh, School financial management Gambat, Education leadership career Pakistan, School administration job Sindh, Education management position Gambat, School operational logistics Sindh, Educational community resources Gambat,
Academic performance improvement Sindh, School leadership training Pakistan, Principal performance appraisals Sindh, Teacher promotion approvals Gambat, Classroom management Sindh, School improvement strategies Gambat, Area education leadership Pakistan, Principal support programs Sindh, Teacher professional development Gambat, School academic excellence Sindh, Education administration Gambat, Principal quality assessment Sindh, Teacher recruitment strategies Gambat, Educational operational efficiency Sindh, School quality monitoring Gambat, Principal leadership skills Sindh, School action plans Gambat, Regional education strategies Sindh, School academic data Gambat, Education operational management Pakistan,
School parent engagement Sindh, Principal performance improvement Sindh, Teacher development programs Gambat, Education career opportunities Sindh, School community liaison Gambat, Principal training programs Sindh, Teacher classroom observations Gambat, School leadership development Sindh, Education administration roles Pakistan, School quality improvement Sindh,

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